Follow our socials @WDMESDaresbury
Next Train Rides
For parking and access, please see the event for more details.
There are no upcoming events at this time
How to install the WDMES Daresbury Train Rides App

Step One
Install App to your Homescreen via the banner, or the button below
Android (Google, Samsung) users install the app to the homescreen
Apple iOS (iPhone) users follow the instructions to add to homescreen
Please note: iOS 16.4+ is required for notifications

Step Two
Open the Train Rides App from your Homescreen

Step Three (Optional)
Enable Notifications for Train Rides within the App (if device supports this feature)

See you soon for a train ride at Daresbury!
We’ll notify you here via the app (if you enabled Step Three) when we are next taking passengers for Train Rides.
You can also open the app to check the next event for Train Rides.
I can’t see the banner or button to add the app?
Answer: It’s possible your device is not supported with the app, but you can try and bookmark this page to your homescreen.
I can’t enable notifications?
Answer: It’s possible your device is not supported for notifications. Alternatively you can periodically check this page, add our WhatsApp channel, or follow our socials.
Cheshire Steam Fair
The annual festival of everything steam powered and more, held every year at the start of July at Daresbury in Cheshire
Open Days and Events
We can be open on Sundays during the summer (weather permitting) to offer rides to the public for a donation – the best way to find out is via the WDMES Socials (@WDMESDaresbury) and our brand new WDMES Train Rides App! More details below:
Schools and STEM Education
Schools, Education and Youth Associations (Scouts, Guides, Cadets, etc) are welcome to visit (including STEM) to learn more about steam heritage and how model locomotives work, and also includes a train ride!